How to fix Google Chrome Invalid Server certificate problem


Google chrome user now a day’s facing new problem whenever they browser internet get Invalid Server certificate notification which certainly irritate users. So, today we will tell you how you can fix chrome invalid server certificate.

What is chrome invalid server certificate problem?

This chrome invalid server certificate problem occurs because current version of chrome 18.0.1025.151 creates a file called chrome_shutdown_ms.txt” every time the browser is closed. When user reopened browser, SSL sites are no longer accessible instead it gives “Invalid Server Certificate” message.

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Step to fix chrome invalid server certificate

I am going to fix it this by two methods

1) Google Chrome stable update and

2) window 10 chrome file fixing.

Fix 1: Open Google chrome and click on the right hand side ‘customized and control chrome’ button.

After that scroll down to ‘About Google Chrome’ and click it.

When you click on that option Google will check for update and if it available then clicks on ‘Re-launch’ button and your chrome will be in stable update.

Once will you update your browser you will get rid from this Chrome Invalid server certificate error.

Fix 2: This fix can work on temporary basis on window 10 and vista operating system in this will try not to create ‘Chrome_shutdown_ms.txt’ file.

  1. To fix this problem manually you have to navigate to “Users[username]AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data”.
  2. Once you are in this delete ‘chrome_shutdown_ms.txt’ file.
  3. Reopen Chrome, and SSL sites should work again.
    Tips to avoid chrome invalid server certificate
    To avoid this problem i would suggest you not to directly close your browser when lot of tab is open. As, when you close browser directly when Tab open it create ‘chrome_shutdown_ms.txt’ file. Best option to close your entire tab either manually or by ‘Ctrl + W’.